I come to you as a first time poster in need. Ill try to explain the situation as fully as I can to make it easier on those who may be able to help me.
I bought a 406 Coupe that was sitting in a farmers yard for 3 years, new battery and behold it started ran and drives absolutely fine. 99% of the electrical system seems to work perfectly including all the optional extras such as heated seats and GPS. There was evidence of mice being In the car but I carefully inspected each nest or run and found no evidence of bitten wiring or pieces of heat shrink.
The main issue I have is that the passenger door absolutely will not open in any way, along with the central locking not working( I've had 3 406s and central locking has yet to work on any of them so this isn't a major issue) .
The handle pulls were all fine, the lock on both sides of the door seemed to work and engage but the lock mechanism just wouldn't budge. I ended up finding a 2nd hand door on Facebook and took the nuclear option to drill into the lock and release it in pieces
With the new door installed and connected all was well... For a week or two until now it has happened again. The door absolutely solid and won't respond to the handle or lock on either side.
Absolutely at my wits end with it now, this car has been brought back from the dead but this is the final hurdle. I can't afford to keep throwing doors at it but I can't seem to find enough information on how the locking system works and how I might unlock and open it.
Please, if anyone can assist me and keep this car from being broken for parts let me know, I'll provide as much info as I can.