I will end up in this section eventually
I will end up in this section eventually
Despite being only 20 and having owned 2 cars, one of my dream cars is a 240 Torslanda. Someone owned one nearby where i lived and i would walk past it every day. I never appeared to move and the slow moss growth on the whole car made it obvious. I believe ill give in and own one as my next car hopefully.
Re: I will end up in this section eventually

afamily friend of ours passed away about two year back he had an old Volvo sat on drive
what colour was the one you seen going moldy ?
Re: I will end up in this section eventually
It was a red 240 Torslanda, and it was at the side of the road
Re: I will end up in this section eventually
Ah rite. this one iwas talking about is red but last time iheard it was still sat on drive of a bungalow.Lewis85 wrote:It was a red 240 Torslanda, and it was at the side of the road
Re: I will end up in this section eventually
I disappeared a while back, could be the same one? It was parked down by Royston Garage in Southend
Re: I will end up in this section eventually
Iwill ask the Mother n law next time she rings and see what happened with it. (see if its same one)
Re: I will end up in this section eventually
Well, one of them xD my ultimate dream car is a Fairlady Z31, but it will be a long time til i can afford one of those