I tell you something for nothing, that's nothing compared to what our silver 405 exec estate had happen whilst I was working.

I did come across pictures a while ago, it took up the WHOLE back door and big scratches too.
Because I worked a 8 hour shift I couldn't be sure who did it or how, one way or another - we share OUR roads with these f*cking idiots and it really really really pisses me off
GOD forbid anyone do that to Miss Pug, I will kill them

As much as it annoyed me with our 405 estate, it wasn't my car so didn't annoy me too much.............
Not the picture I was looking for but you can see the damage to said door.
Yes, our 405 estate was a real work horse. Funny because I loved driving the 405 estate and always dreamed about one day maybe owning a 406 estate. Well, dreams come true

Miss Pug 2001 - 2023.