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Re: Brake plate bolt

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:56 pm
by markw
It's not a good idea to try and re-use the hub/bearing.
In the process of pulling it off, huge forces are exerted across the bearing races and damage will undoubtedly occur. It's a different matter when putting a new one on because it's just drifted on using the inner race's surface only, so no force goes across the bearing.

Re: Brake plate bolt

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:30 pm
by GingerMagic
+1, the hub/bearing will come apart when removing it, so its not worth the risk.

Its easier to remove it when the shoes are off, and for the record you need a 40mm socket and a mahoosive breaker bar to get the nut off......

Re: Brake plate bolt

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 1:08 pm
by Pugi4o6
:) Hello.

Changed the plate today. Rusty as hell... Bearing is ok, and therefore was put back on.. Hub and bearing did not come aparr... He didn't even dissasemble the rear shoes, as they were reused also. Handbrake works 8)