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- Wed Jan 03, 2024 11:53 am
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: and today i have mostly been...
- Replies: 3006
- Views: 1379947
Re: and today i have mostly been...
Just checking in after far too long away from the Forum. Hope everyone is ok? I'm doing well, been in full-time work for 12 months now. Working in the construction industry as an estimator but this time they actually value my 30+ years experience and leave me alone to do my job - I've just won them ...
- Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:43 am
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: and today i have mostly been...
- Replies: 3006
- Views: 1379947
Re: and today i have mostly been...
My first 'problem' with the Kia: Stepped (or cupped) rear tyres :? the factory fitted Continentals were noisy, it took me about 2 weeks to figure out what was going on but at certain speeds the car car noisy - like a wheel bearing type noise. Had a close look at the rear tyres on the inside edge and...
- Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:24 am
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: and today i have mostly been...
- Replies: 3006
- Views: 1379947
Re: and today i have mostly been...
Fleet Update: Infinides - Gone! Hyundai - Gone! Profits have been made - almost £3k :shock: We now have a 'high mileage' 2021 Kia Sportage GT Line-S - it is very very nice, an excellent all-rounder for urban use and long hauls - never imagined I'd ever own something like this tbh. The Kia had covere...
- Tue Jul 26, 2022 3:53 pm
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: and today i have mostly been...
- Replies: 3006
- Views: 1379947
Re: and today i have mostly been...
Son & DIL have his+hers Range Rovers for no reason that I can fathom. Nice petrol bill each month, hope they're not engaging in neighbour 'upmanship - never ends well. There's a new housing estate near me and all the young couples seem to have 2021 BMW/Mercs etc - I don't understand the maths, I co...
- Tue Jul 26, 2022 3:44 pm
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: and today i have mostly been...
- Replies: 3006
- Views: 1379947
Re: and today i have mostly been...
Hi both! Wife's are good at spoiling the thought of you going off and doing something fun for a change (i haz the t-shirts) :( The Hyundai we have came with a 'personalised plate' the old giffer what drove it relinquished the plate as part of the sale.......I done haz had it valued and it's 'worth' ...
- Sun Jul 24, 2022 2:25 pm
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: and today i have mostly been...
- Replies: 3006
- Views: 1379947
Re: and today i have mostly been...
Soz for the delay in calling in here, hope everyone's ok? Still off work and reliable rumours are spreading that the company I used to work for is in a horrendous mess and going bust, oopsie daisy :supafrisk: now do you miss me?? :roll: Car-wise there's a fleet reshuffle going ahead at Welly Towers....
- Sun May 22, 2022 5:14 pm
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: and today i have mostly been...
- Replies: 3006
- Views: 1379947
Re: and today i have mostly been...
hard working conscientious people being 'let go' Indeed, I cared too much and was conscientious to the point where I was 'always there' and everything associated with the business came past my desk. Years of stress, silent High Blood Pressure, all conspired to kill me off. Never again, all seems su...
- Fri May 20, 2022 9:01 am
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: and today i have mostly been...
- Replies: 3006
- Views: 1379947
Re: and today i have mostly been...
Sorry for the long absence, where does the time go? Nice to see the Forum has been quite busy actually, that's good. Nice to see your old D9 still being enjoyed and used well. I saw a '53 Estate on Monday and thought how rare it was, I'm guessing most 406's ended up scrapped with emissions faults* a...
- Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:44 pm
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: and today i have mostly been...
- Replies: 3006
- Views: 1379947
Re: and today i have mostly been...
Bloody hell, I’m not alone then, another example of let’s rip you off and see if you’ll tolerate the mediocre job we’ve “delivered” for you - ooh don’t forget to leave us a review!
- Mon Feb 28, 2022 5:42 pm
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: and today i have mostly been...
- Replies: 3006
- Views: 1379947
Re: The Battery Drill Boys
Forgot to vent my anger about something earlier. Couple of weeks ago our Electric Fan Oven failed, I'd already replaced the heater element twice before to keep it going but when the 'timer' buttons pushed through the control panel and fell behind enough was enough so I decided to order a new oven an...
- Mon Feb 28, 2022 4:27 pm
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: and today i have mostly been...
- Replies: 3006
- Views: 1379947
Re: and today i have mostly been...
The Insurance was quite amusing; me and missus, zero no-claims discount, fully comp with all the trimmings.............£162.00 :lol: I have a theory about Renner Twingo's - I just don't think Insurance co's have much data on that models' Claims History so they're viewed as low-risk? if you ring an I...
- Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:13 pm
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: and today i have mostly been...
- Replies: 3006
- Views: 1379947
Re: and today i have mostly been...
One of the (in fact the only) thing that is good about this Renner Twingo is the Economy: £30/year road tax and a solid 48MPG door to door and I've seen 72MPG on the Skeggy run to that mother in laws gaf. We use this car for all the donkey work and for inflation-busting saves £££££ It has a single C...
- Mon Feb 21, 2022 2:27 pm
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: and today i have mostly been...
- Replies: 3006
- Views: 1379947
Re: and today i have mostly been...
Ooh sorry it's been a while, where does the time go? I've completed a quick catch-up read above, Wiggy that mechanics workshop! how can they find anything? and I thought my tools collection was messy :lol: The Infiniti has been with me for 1 year now, it was due its annual service so what with it be...
- Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:25 pm
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: Welly's Fleet extension happened
- Replies: 8
- Views: 19657
Re: Welly's Fleet extension happened
Little update. And a 'sorry I've not been here' apology :oops: I am well and relaxed, changed even, for the better, I feel. Although I did hurt my shoulder in November and it gave me MEGABASTARD pain like never before, a 'severely inflamed' trapezius muscle so I've been doing Physio for 8 weeks soli...
- Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:07 pm
- Forum: General Chat
- Topic: New car??
- Replies: 23
- Views: 37704
Re: New car??
I don't mind a Mondy at all. So that means well done Cap'n on your purchase as far as I can tell those there Fords are a snazzy drive and capable. This years experience has told me that you can't really buy a "bad" car anymore, I think anything sort of 2014+ is pretty much a safe bet whatever manufa...